Getting Ready

Getting ready for a long international trip can be a huge task in general, but add in creating lesson plans for over two weeks of AP classes leading up to the exam, coordinating ongoing collaborative projects between my students and Senegalese students, collecting resources for the school and students in Senegal, planning what I will teach while I am there, trying to leave things somewhat in order around my house for my wonderful husband is who flying solo with the kids during a busy time... and it has been a busy few days! However, in the midst of all that has been going on, there are many people who have offered to help and who have shared in the excitement of this adventure.

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Operation Senegal

From the moment I found out that I would be spending a week at Lycee de Diass in MBour, Senegal I began planning ways that students at my school in TN could connect and collaborate with students in Senegal. Many teachers, across all grade levels and subjects, got involved and I am pretty amazed at what was accomplished in just 3 weeks. Here are some examples of the activities….and of what is in my suitcase.

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What Makes a Great Conference?

In February, I attended a conference on global education with teachers and administrators from across the country. I had an amazing time and left feeling re-energized and excited to be a teacher. Why does some professional development leave you feeling drained, overwhelmed, or frustrated while some leaves you feeling inspired and rejuvenated? What is the key to the latter? What is that magic formula for successful education and teaching conferences?

As I think back to my weekend at the Global Education Symposium, here are some key features that stand out. The next time you are considering a conference, check to make sure that is has these 3 things!


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Why Start a Blog?

I never imagined that I would be a blogger. For years I have read blogs, benefited from their insight and wisdom and laughed at their humor, but never thought that I would have my own. While I do not enjoy self-promotion and generally spend more time in the social media world reading what others post rather than posting myself, I am about to dive right into this thing called blogging. Here is what led me to start a blog.

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