Much of the work on this part of the website is the result of the amazing journey I have had through the Teachers for Global Classrooms Fellowship Program. The intensive 10 week course, Global Education Symposium in Washington D.C., and field experience in Senegal has further impressed upon me the need for global education to be the lens through which we engage students in schools and classrooms. It does not matter the age, subject, socioeconomic status, religion, or geographic location of our students; they will all grow up to be citizens of the world in a time when our increasing interconnection should be celebrated and used to make the world a better place.

We have inherited a big house, a great “world house” in which we have to live together - black and white, Easterners and Westerners, Gentiles and Jews, Catholics and Protestants, Moslem and Hindu, a family unduly separated in ideas, culture, and interests who, because we can never again live without each other, must learn, somehow, in this one big world, to live with each other.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

What is Global Competence?

It is necessary and urgent that teachers prepare students to understand the world in which they live, in all its complexity, to recognize the way in which global and local affairs are intertwined, to understand globalization and its consequences, including global risks, and to have the skills and the desire to contribute to improving the world.
— Fernando Reimers

5 Reasons Why Global Competence Matters

  1. Global competence is the toolkit a productive, involved citizenry uses to meet the problems and opportunities of the world.
    In the curriculum, global competence challenges students to investigate the world, consider a variety of perspectives, communicate ideas, and take meaningful action. A globally focused curriculum engages students in their own learning and motivates them to strive for knowledge and understanding. And a curious, inspired student strives to learn more in school and beyond.

  2. A new generation of students requires different skills from the generations that came before.
    The world is changing fast. Boundaries—literal as well as figurative— are shifting and even disappearing altogether. The culture that once lived halfway around the world now lives just down the block. The ability to thrive in this new and rapidly changing environment is grounded in a globally focused curriculum.

  3. More than ever before, individual actions reach around the globe.
    Environmental concerns, economic shifts, global poverty, population growth, human rights, and political conflict can seem intractable and overwhelming, yet they absolutely require thoughtful action. In a globally focused curriculum, students learn that the world needs them to act, and that they can make a difference.

  4. Global competence integrates knowledge of the world and the skill of application with the disposition to think and behave productively.
    Global competence is not restricted to knowing about other cultures and other perspectives. In addition to knowledge of the world, a globally competent citizen exhibits habits like critical thinking, rational optimism, innovation, empathy, and awareness of the influences of culture on individual behavior and world events.

  5. Success in career and life will depend on global competence, because career and life will play out on the global stage.
    Already, government, business, and cultural institutions are called to solve the world’s problems cooperatively. Engaging in these challenges requires high-order knowledge and thinking skill, as well as shared language and cultural understanding. In a globally focused curriculum, students prepare to approach problems from multiple perspectives and to thrive in a global future.

                                   Source: The Asia Society's Center For Global Education