Scroll down to see pictures from my 2-week adventure in Senegal. Click here to read about the trip on my blog!

Day 15: Meeting with Molly Melcher of Tostan, Tour of Downtown Dakar, and Drive to the Airport

Day 14: Field Experience Debrief, Goree Island, and Farewell Dinner

Day 13: International Alumni Event, Soumbedioune, and dinner at Beach Road

Day 12: Back to Dakar, Place de Souvenir de Africain, and a Group Dinner

Day 11: Goodbyes, Bandia Reserve, and Salye

Day 10: Visit to the Elementary School, Skype, and Lunch with Teachers

Day 9: Sobo Bade Hotel, More Teaching, and The English Club

Day 8: Teaching at Lycee de Diass, the Market, and More Batik

Day 7: Welcome Assembly, Meeting with the Mayor, and Batik,

Day 6: Sobo Bade, Drum Lessons, and Lunch with Host Family

Day 5: First Day in Diass: Tailor, Tea Ceremony, and Fashion Show

Day 4: School Visits in Dakar

Day 3: The U.S. Embassy

Day 2: FASTEF and Monument de la Renaissance Africane

Day 1: Travel to Dakar, Senegal